The Kingdom of GOD is within us and it is amongst us [see Luke 17:20-21, KJV+NASB]. We can function [potentially in every reality of life] in the Kingdom of GOD – by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS [see Romans 8:2, 1-4].
Functioning in the Kingdom of GOD – by the SPIRIT in CHRIST JESUS, actualizes the freedom and liberty [from the Law of Sin and Death (see Rom 8:2c)] that YHWH has predestined – to manifest, grow and develop – in us [individually] and amongst us [corporately].
The freedom and liberty from the Law of Sin and Death operates by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS – in the Witness of Spirit, Water and Blood [see 1 John 5:10a+8, NKJV] – through the Veil of YESHUA’s flesh [see Heb 10:19-20, NKJV].
The Veil of YESHUA’s flesh is opened – by circumcision – in and through the heart of flesh that the HOLY SPIRIT is developing in us [see Eze 36:26; 2 Cor 3:3, NKJV]. This circumcised heart of flesh is the pure heart that YHWH is creating so that we will each see GOD [see Matt 5:8].
The Veil of YESHUA’s flesh – being opened – is a circumcision progressively developed in a [in an increasingly circumcised] heart of flesh [see Eze 36:26; 2 Cor 3:3, NKJV].
Our circumcision [see Rom 2:28-29; Phil 3:3; Col 2:11; Deut 30:6; Matt 5:8] opens the specifics in which we progressively function in the Name of JESUS (YESHUA) – by the HOLY SPIRIT. And each reality that we appropriate by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS progressively opens the Veil of His flesh in us [see Heb 10:19-20, NKJV] so that we actualize functional realities – by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS – behind the Veil in the Mount of YHWH.
These Kingdom realities stand by Covenant Word perfected and completed in us.
Our circumcision unveils YESHUA as our BELOVED [see Deut 30:6] – in a heart of flesh that is the Epistle of CHRIST in us; and, we will as a consequence of the BELOVED alive in us, in a circumcised heart of flesh [see Ps 24:3-4; 15:1-2], increasingly grow to operate in the Kingdom of the BELOVED SON [see Col 1:13, NASB].
Freedom and liberty from the Law of Sin and Death is the atmosphere of the Kingdom opened in us by the HOLY SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS. This is the “spiritual air” [Hebrew: ‘ruach’ meaning the ‘breath’ of GOD; Greek: ‘pneumaticos’ meaning the ‘spiritual’ atmospheres of GOD derived realities – see 1 Cor 2:9,12-13] we breathe [and live in] that facilitates the dynamic of Kingdom function.
It is this spiritual atmosphere in our inward parts that we stand and operate in the Shabbat-Shalom of YHWH. The Shabbat-Shalom of YHWH in our inward parts defines the spiritual state we actualize in the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets [see Matt 5:17; John 14:27; John 14:23] through a heart of flesh [see 2 Cor 3:3, NKJV].
The circumcised heart of flesh that YHWH is developing in us progressively stands at some level of a Shabbat-Shalom in our inward parts. In this Shabbat-Shalom realized we can clearly ascertain that we are operating behind the Veil in the Mount of the LORD [see Gen 22:14; Isa 33:15-17].
We can also operate and function corporately in this Shabbat-Shalom; and, see the Kingdom manifest on the earth in our midst! This is why the Tabernacle of David [the Tabernacle of the BELOVED] is being rebuilt in our midst [see Acts 15:16-18; 13:33-39].
As we are progressively knitted together in love [see Col 2:2-3, NKJV] – by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS – we will see Kingdom reality [the Kingdom dynamic] manifest at the speed of thought and intent in us and in our midst, as the Mystery of GOD, both of the FATHER and the SON, becomes reality [the functional Kingdom dynamic] in us and amongst us [see Rev 10:7; Col 2:2-3, NKJV].
[Note: There will be two mutually exclusive spiritual scenarios [or, ‘spiritualities’ or spiritual atmospheres] on the earth: (i) Realities revealing the Mystery of GOD [see Rev 10:7; Col 2:2-3, NKJV] and the Mysteries of the Kingdom [see Matt 13:11] that unfold through the revelation of the Mystery of CHRIST in the inward parts [Col 1:26-28]; and, (ii) Realities that will come into place that deny the FATHER and the SON [see 1 John 2:22] – the Mystery of Lawlessness, that will manifest the anti-CHRIST “with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved” (see 2 Thess 2:7-12)].
The Veil of YESHUA’s flesh develops in the abiding through the Covenant Word made flesh in our heart – by the HOLY SPIRIT. The Covenant Word is revealed into our heart and it is perfected through the walk of faith in our lives and in our ministry functions. Our functional capacities develop in thought, word, deed and relationships – as we ‘walk the talk’ of the Gospel of the Kingdom [see Matt 4:23].
All of the Word that is perfected and completed into the heart of flesh that YHWH is creating in us, stands in a circumcision [uniquely and progressively defined in a circumcised heart of flesh] that defines our Kingdom function(s) and Kingdom position(s).
We function in the Kingdom by standing behind the Veil at two spiritual levels prophetically foreshadowed in the Tabernacle of Moses:
(i) Entering the Holy Place through a persevering hope on the LORD JESUS CHRIST that anchors our soul behind the Veil [see Heb 6:19-20, 11-20]. This is the fulfillment of the first veil in the Tabernacle of Moses.
(ii) Entering the Holiest by the Blood of JESUS, through a new and living Way through the Veil that is His flesh [see Heb 10:19-20, NKJV]. This is the fulfillment of the second veil in the Tabernacle of Moses.
The New Covenant proclaims what YHWH has predestined for us in Mount Zion, access to the Seat of the Government of the Kingdom of GOD, through a new and living Way through the Veil of YESHUA’s flesh. Hebrews 12:22-24 [NASB] reads: < 22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24 to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. >
As YESHUA declared the Kingdom is within us and amongst us. And we access the Kingdom through a circumcised heart of flesh. Amen!
Written By:
James Niles