Getting To Grips With The Fullness Of JESUS CHRIST (Part 8)

Of His Fullness we have all received – grace upon grace [John 1:16, KJV+NKJV+NASB].

YHWH has predestined the provision of the fullness of MASHIAH YESHUA in each one of our lives.

The actualization of the fullness of JESUS CHRIST is in substance [the substance of YESHUA, which defines us uniquely in MASHIAH YESHUA] and witness [the witness of YESHUA, which opens the functional realities and capacities of MASHIAH YESHUA in us].

In the substance and witness of JESUS CHRIST perfected and completed into us by the HOLY SPIRIT [John 16:14-15] we meet the demands of the Law and, we are positioned to actualize the Prophets vis a vis the promises of YHWH [2 Cor 1:20].

The fullness of JESUS CHRIST is developed in our [inward parts of] spirit, heart and soul [Heb 4:12]. In this segment we will speak of the development of our [new born] spirit.

Our spirit is developed through the life-giving Spirit of JESUS CHRIST.

YESHUA’s Words communicate His Spirit and Life into us [John 6:63]. YESHUA’s Words communicate His Testimony. We should understand all of the Scriptures through the Testimony of JESUS. And, this is because the Scriptures open in fulfillment in the Testimony of YESHUA (Luke 24:44-45; Heb 1:3b; Jer 1:11-12; Matt 5:17).

We can understand the reality of the life-giving Spirit of JESUS CHRIST as a living expression of the Spirit and Life of YESHUA. The Spirit and Life of YESHUA is the essential medium through which the eternal Word is communicated (see Luke 21:33).

We can understand the composite expression of the life-giving Spirit of JESUS CHRIST by combining two verses:

  • 1 Corinthians 15:45 [NASB] declares that: < 45 … “The first man, Adam, became a living soul.” The last Adam [JESUS CHRIST] became a life-giving spirit. >
  • Philippians 1:19c [KJV] speaks of: < the supply [NASB: provision] of the Spirit of Jesus Christ >
  • The life-giving Spirit [mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:45] is the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST [mentioned in Philippians 1:19] that equips us for life in accordance with the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets.

The life-giving Spirit of JESUS CHRIST is also described [in Romans 1:3-4, KJV+NKJV+NASB] as: < the Spirit of holiness >.

The Spirit of Holiness fulfills the Law and positions us to actualize every promise that YHWH has given us in MASHIAH YESHUA [2 Cor 1:20].

In Romans 1:4 [NASB] we are told that JESUS CHRIST: < 4 … was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness … >.

Resurrection power [that empowers and enables new life within the inward fabric of our being in spirit, heart and soul (see 2 Cor 4:16)] is invested in the life-giving Spirit of MASHIAH YESHUA; and, this is why the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST is ‘life giving’, as the Spirit of Holiness [see Isa 11:2c+2 Cor 7:1]!

The resurrection gives us a new life-form in and by and through the Testimony of JESUS [see Rev 19:10c; 2 Cor 3:3, NKJV]. It follows that the life-giving Spirit of YESHUA MASHIAH is the Spirit of Prophecy.

The Spirit of YESHUA MASHIAH is the ‘spiritual DNA’ for the fulfillment of all of YHWH’s promises in Scripture in and through the Body of MASHIAH [see 2 Cor 1:20; John 6:63; Heb 1:3b].

The ‘spiritual DNA’ that is the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST is the exclusive basis of Jew and Gentile becoming one new man in YESHUA [see Eph 2:10-22].

In addition to the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST being the Spirit of Prophecy, it is also the Spirit of Adoption since it is the Spirit of the SON [see John 19:30].

We see this from two verses:

  • Romans 8:15 [NASB] declares: < 15 For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” >
  • Galatians 4:6 [NASB] declares: < 6 Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” >

The Spirit of JESUS CHRIST defines our every capacity of function in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT [in accordance with Romans 8:2]. In the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST the Law of Sin and Death is destroyed.

We are revealed as sons of GOD as the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST, the Spirit of the SON, is perfected and completed in us by the HOLY SPIRIT [John 16:14; 1:16-18].

[We can actualize the Spirit and Life of YESHUA in our inward parts when we understand and pray the Word, by the SPIRIT, in the Testimony of JESUS. Tongues are a powerful tool in actualizing this reality that is prophetically addressed as the Mystery of CHRIST (see 1 Cor 14:2; Col 1:26-28; Heb 1:3b; Eph 3:20).]

YESHUA MASHIAH came to manifest perfect capacities of function by the HOLY SPIRIT, in fulfilling His position as True Man, so that through MASHIAH YESHUA’s Spirit we will each be [definitively] enabled to function by the HOLY SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS; and, progressively actualize – through the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST – the reality of having been set free from the Law of Sin and Death [see Romans 8:2].

The life-giving Spirit of JESUS CHRIST is the inward anointing that defines us each as Epistles of CHRIST, disciples of JESUS CHRIST in fully functional terms. Through the inward anointing we are enabled and empowered to do all things through CHRIST who strengthens us in the fabric of His life-giving Spirit.

The life-giving Spirit of JESUS CHRIST communicates resurrection power as an inward anointing that progressively [and definitively] enables our every function in thought, word and deed [including the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT and the 5-fold ministry gifts and their derivatives in the Body], in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT.

This is why we can do all things through CHRIST, who strengthens us [see Phil 4:13].

So we see that resurrection power potentially flows into every reality of function in our being as the inward anointing that is the life-giving Spirit of JESUS CHRIST, is perfected and completed into the fabric of our inward man!

It is the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST that is the ‘one Spirit’ that connects [and joins us] each [the diversity of individuals in the Body of CHRIST] with the LORD who is the SPIRIT [1 Cor 6:17+2 Cor 3:17-18, NASB/NKJV].

The Spirit of JESUS CHRIST is the inward anointing through which we are functionally and definitively connected with the HOLY SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS [see Romans 8:2].

Through the functional DNA of the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST we grow to operate our gift mix, in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT, to fulfill the FATHER’s will.

Functioning by the HOLY SPIRIT can’t be merely experiential through the ‘lawless’ use of our own spirit [see Matt 7:21-23]. JESUS CHRIST functioned by the HOLY SPIRIT – perfectly and completely [see John 5:19, 30] in fulfillment of the Law.

And, this witness of perfect and complete function in GOD is coded into the life-giving Spirit of JESUS CHRIST, so that we all can do all things through CHRIST JESUS, in the same manner [in the same Spirit] as YESHUA did in fulfillment of the Law! Amen [Rev 3:14b]!


Written By: James Niles

The Tabernacle School Of Ministry