The GOD of the OT is exactly the same as the GOD of the NT. GOD is Immutable, He is Unchanging. GOD is also Holy.
And sin in all its forms is abhorrent to Him.
GOD is Jealous not in the sense of humans being jealous; but, GOD is Jealous in and for His Name that expresses WHO HE IS and all THAT HE IS.
In my article on Understanding Lawlessness And Its Consequences I speak of the origin and reality of sin – in the Mystery of Lawlessness. The evil that flows from sin and the death that manifests as a consequence of evil, is an expression of a spirituality called Lawlessness.
The history of man throughout the world is a blood bath of pain and suffering because of lawlessness: as a consequence of what we inflict on each other in every field of human endeavor.
GOD gave the Law to Moses to try and control the ‘progress of evil’ in the context of Israel. And, GOD did this because Adam had chosen to do his own thing: live as a law unto himself.
The Law GOD gave to Moses worked to some extent but Israel was unable to adhere to GOD’s Law on a sustainable basis.
In the NT GOD sends HIS WORD in human form (as JESUS CHRIST) to produce a Testament that is in fulfillment of the Law through the Cross.
JESUS overcame sin, evil and death testimonially.
In John 3:16-17 JESUS CHRIST declares the essential reality of grace: < “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” >
On the Cross we actually see the Nature and Character and Witness Of GOD, the reality of “I AM” devoid of His Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience and His Glory.
In Philippians 3:7 we read that the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the WORD of GOD emptied Himself (Greek: kenosis) to take human form and pay the price for our sin through the actual fulfillment of the Law.
GOD vindicated JESUS CHRIST by raising Him from the dead clearly demonstrating that the consequences of sin, evil and death had been overcome testimonially.
JESUS CHRIST is the spiritual blueprint for a new man for anyone willing to accept Him as LORD and Saviour.
As 2 Cor 5:17-18a reads: < Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ … >
Ephesians 2:10 reads: < For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. >
What GOD intended from the Beginning with Adam has been restored – by Promise, that we enter into by grace, through faith.
2 Cor 1:20 reads: < For as many as are the promises of God, in Him (in JESUS CHRIST) they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us. >
There are many in todays world who say that GOD in the OT destroyed ‘innocent’ people. Through Law we understand that all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD.
Many years ago while writing one of my books the HOLY SPIRIT asked me how much I know. Having spent much time in my studies, in engineering and international finance, and in the pursuit of my career goals, I said LORD I know a little bit.
The HOLY SPIRIT then asked me: Can you make me a ‘little’ mustard seed? I said no LORD, I can’t!
The HOLY SPIRIT continued: Assuming I can make a mustard seed for you, My son would you know how to make it grow and live? I said: No LORD, I cant.
The HOLY SPIRIT then continued: Now my son how much do you know? I replied: I know nothing LORD.
Why did I say this? Because GOD was talking of a knowledge form that no man has or knows. Our knowledge forms do not give life.
GOD is entirely unlike us and I am grateful that HE IS WHO HE IS and ALL THAT HE IS, entirely unlike us, so that I actually can have a future through Him.
Just as we would treat cancer by destroying it entirely, the cancer of sin has to be likewise treated. But GOD has opened an infallible treatment for the cancer of sin through the LORD JESUS CHRIST, by His grace and mercy, through the actual communication of the Testimony of JESUS – in the communicative medium of JESUS CHRIST’s Spirit and Life (see John 6:63) – into us.
Through the Testimony of JESUS, GOD subordinately and derivatively, communicates His Nature, His Character, His faith, His love, His Righteousness, His Holiness etc into us; and, this is salvation. It is not a philosophical cop-out; it is tried and tested reality of the Word of GOD that will stand forever.
In Jeremiah 1:12, YHWH (GOD) declares that HE is watching over His Word to perform it. May GOD bless us all by opening us to His Word with an understanding that derives wholly from Him. Amen.