Thought For The Day (August 19, 2012): Operating The Gifts Through The Witness

The Witness of JESUS CHRIST – in Spirit, Water and Blood – is resident in every born-again Christian (1 John 5:10a, 8, NKJV).

In 1 John 5:10a (NKJV), the Witness of JESUS CHRIST is called ‘the Witness’ and the Witness operates by the HOLY SPIRIT in Spirit, Water and Blood (Romans 8:2, 1-4).

All of the Gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT (1 Cor 12:3-11) operate through the Witness in us, in conjunction with the outpourings of the HOLY SPIRIT that come upon us during prayer, worship and ministry.

The Witness within functions in Spirit, Water and Blood and we should be functioning in the Gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT in this dynamic of the Witness of JESUS CHRIST alive in us rather than by our spirits (Isaiah 64:6).

The Witness within us is fully enabled in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT (Rom 8:2), so that we are actually operating in YESHUA’s Witness and not merely by our spirit.

The ‘Spirit’ dynamic in the Witness is the capacity to operate the Gifts by the life-giving Spirit of JESUS CHRIST (1 Cor 15:45 + Phil 1:19c).

The dynamic of ‘Water’ in the Witness is the capacity to operate the Gifts in the Voice of GOD and in the Voice of His Word (Eze 1:24b; Rev 1:15c; Ps 23:2c).

The dynamic of ‘Blood’ in the Witness is the capacity to operate the Gifts in Blood Covenant relationship with our Head (Luke 22:20; 2 Cor 3:16; 1 Cor 4:1a).

The Vocal Gifts (Tongues, Prophecy and Interpretation), the Revelatory Gifts (Knowledge, Wisdom and Discernment) and the Power Gifts (Healing, Faith and Miracles) are all meant to operate in Spirit, Water and Blood – because this is ‘the Witness’.

Functioning in Spirit, Water and Blood is the power that works within us (1 Cor 1:18; Eph 3:20; Heb 1:3b). This is the reality of the inward anointing expressing CHRIST in us, by the HOLY SPIRIT – in fully functional terms.

[All of the 5-fold should operate in YESHUA’s Witness given the fact that He is the Apostle, the Prophet, the Evangelist, the Pastor and the Teacher of the Body; since it’s His Body!]

In the inward anointing – in the power that works within us – we actualize the reality that we can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens us (Phil 4:13, NKJV) and, we actualize the fact that the riches in Glory (from the FATHER, by the SPIRIT – John 16:15) operate by CHRIST JESUS (Phil 4:19, NKJV) in us and through us.

Tongues are the fundamental spiritual gift that activate and energizes the Witness of JESUS CHRIST within us – by the HOLY SPIRIT.

The Gift of Prophecy will be quickened when the Witness is energized through tongues by the HOLY SPIRIT (1 Cor 14:1-6).

[The Witness can also be energized through worship expressed in both prayer and song. So we are not saying that the Gifts can’t be operated without tongues. But tongues are an effective and powerful tool when used properly through the Witness.]

Through Tongues, the Gift of Interpretation will also open, most often in conjunction with the Revelatory Gifts.

The Power Gifts are also effectively energized through tongues.

All of the Gifts also operate in conjunction with the anointing upon especially during mass ministry. Worship, prayer and preaching are environments in which the Gifts flow. GBU.